Saturday, November 20, 2010

Believe in Yourself

At one point in my life, I realized that one of my main problems was a lack of self-confidence. So I began to learn about it, to read articles and books. Soon I figured out what to do to became more confident. After I began to apply what I learned, my life completely changed. I made a huge jump. From the boy who was afraid to contradict other people, to a man who is not afraid to make big mistakes and to do what he believes is right. There are many definitions of self-confidence, but here I’ll explain it like this: 

Self-confidence is an attitude. It is the attitude that you are convinced in your ability, power, sense of control, faith in yourself, etc. 

Lack of self-confidence is a common reason for personal stagnation. With the lack of confidence you can only get a feeling of loneliness, shame, fear, fear of failure, depression, anxiety, loss of productivity and focus, poor relations with people, pessimism, stress etc. In a word, without confidence, you will suffer. Building your self-confidence will not be easy or short process. But it is worth, trust me.

In this article, I will give you the best information about self-confidence, certainty, self-doubt, overcoming shyness and self acceptance through a collection of 36 quality and free articles, videos and other sources that I found on the web and further. I hope this list will help you. Each of these sources is excellent for building self-confidence: 

1. Listen to what you tell yourself. 

Much of what we say to ourselves, when we have low self confidence is negative. Catch what you are saying to yourself and turn it around to something positive. It may take a while, as it becomes a habit. Just start listening and then use the second tip.

2. Use positive self talk.

Talk to your self in a positive way, even if you need to talk to yourself out loud. This can be anything from affirmations, to thinking positively about your accomplishments. This helps gain self confidence. For example, when learning something new: Maybe you say “Man, I am stupid. I just can’t get this”. Change that to: “I have learned many challenging things in the past (then list a couple), I see other people doing this, and I can learn it too”.

3. Make a list of your good points and accomplishments.

Come on, you DO have some good points, and you have accomplished some things. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Take some time to write a list. This will get it out on paper where you can see it. Maybe you have never really taken a look at your good points, or accomplishments. Pat yourself on the back figuratively. Good job. 

4. Reference Your List

Put your list where you will see it every day. If you don’t want other people to see it, how about putting it in your sock drawer. Every day you get clean socks and can remind yourself of your positive aspects to gain self confidence. If you don’t mind other people see it, put it in a prominent place. Put a mini one in your wallet to refer when away from home. Wherever you put it, start your day out by reading the list over. Read it again in the evening. Change your list as you need to. You may think of new positive aspects of yourself, or be able to add to your list of accomplishments.

5. If you start to feel down or overwhelmed, give yourself a talking to. 

Everyone goes through things in their life, what ever brought your self confidence down, is not often permanent. It will change, Or time will go bye and people will forget.

Start using these tips today to develop more confidence.

By: Shabir-ibn-Alam
welcome comments and critics

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Selected By: Shabir ibn Alam Jagirani